High Powered Rifle Silhouette

Events are open to the public

Monthly (40 Shot) Matches
The shoots will be the third Saturday of the month, February through October

See Club Calendar for dates

*Please check email or website before traveling if there has been severe weather prior to the Match.

Starting Times
Registration: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Practice: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Match will begin at 11 AM

Registration Fees:
One Rifle: $20.00
Two Rifles: $30.00
Jr/Sr/First Time Shooter: $5.00 off

Benchrest Silhouette will be shooting at 1/2 scale animals & 22 cal. centerfires will be allowed.

Course of Fire

Number of shots


200 meters


300 meters


385 meters


500 meters






**We will shoot straight thru so pack a lunch if you like.**


Rifles of 6 mm or larger caliber, any sights. No magnums, no armor piercing or tracer type ammunition permitted.

Ammunition that causes target damage is not permitted.

Highpower rifle: max. weight 10 lb. 2 oz., including sights.
Hunting rifle: max. weight 9 lb., including sights; 2 lb trigger pull minimum

Current NRA Silhouette rules will apply
Bench rest - Any front support allowed
                  No rear bag

                  No muzzle breaks


There will be five classes: Master, AAA, AA, A, and B. Classes will be combined if insufficient entries exist. Separate classes for hunting rifle and semi-auto military rifle if sufficient entries are present

Monthly Match Awards

Awards will be presented for Match Winner and for First Place in each class. Additional places will be awarded for every three shooters in that classification. All Awards will be in the form of Award Pins. Pins will be awarded for 5 & 10 in a row.

Contact Information

Mark Schade
Email: mschade1894@gmail.com

Match Results

Atglen Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. - All rights reserved

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