Field Target
Events are open to the public
Field Target is a simple game. Take an air rifle in either .177, .20, or .22 caliber and knock a target down. Targets range in size from 3/8" up to 2" (we stop at 1.5") at distances ranging from 10 to 55yds.
There are several classes of Field Target. WFTF, Hunter, and Open Class. If you are unfamiliar with the game, just bring your airgun, a stool, and a shooting stick and we'll find the right class for you. All guns must be under 20ftlbs of energy and if you plan on shooting WFTF, under 12ftlbs. There are a few rules for equipment that can be seen here ( but as long as your gun is .22 caliber or smaller and under 20ftlbs you will be able to shoot and you will have a great time! Come out to get a feel for the game, talk to the regulars, and figure out how you want to setup your equipment for next time.
Match Information:
Practice: 9am
Match: 10am
Fee: $15 per shooter
Match Location:
We will use the 3D archery course the matches, except on July 28 when it will move to the special purpose range behind the trap field.
Contact Information
Jon at 484-894-4345