Cowboy Lever Action

Events are open to the public

The shoots will be the second Saturday of the month, February through October

See Club Calendar for dates

*Please check website before traveling if there has been severe weather prior to the Match.

Starting in 2025 we will run Lever Rifle / Long range pistol in Feb, April, June, August & October. These will be 2 - 40 shot matches.

Pistol cartridge lever rifle, Small bore lever rifle, Hunter pistol & Small bore hunter pistol will be shot in March, May, July & September. These will be 60 shot matches

Starting Times

Sign up: 7:30 - 8:00 AM
Practice: 8:00 - 9:00 AM
Pistol cartridge and small bore sight-ins will occur before their respective matches
Match will begin at 9:00 AM

Registration Fees:

One gun $15

Two guns $25

Additional guns $5 each

Youth shooters ALWAYS shoot free of charge.

There will be no lunch counter this year, please bring your own lunch.


Small-bore - any .22 caliber rifle with a tubular magazine including lever action, pump and semi-auto rimfire rifles.

Pistol Cartridge & Rifle - lever action rifles only with a tubular magazine and an exposed hammer.

All rifles must be of original manufacture

Rear sights may be open sights, receiver or tang sites manufactured for the rifle they are mounted on. No Olympic type or extended mounts are permitted. Front sites must be a post or bead.


Current NRA Silhouette rules will apply. NRA Classification Books will be available but are not required to shoot any match. Click here for rules.

Contact Information
Mark Schade


Match Results

Atglen Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. - All rights reserved

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