Youth Archery
Events are open to the public
Do you have a son or daughter interested in archery? Atglen Sportsmen's Club is an official Scholastic 3D Archery - S3DA club with certified coaches specializing in youth target archery. The mission of the Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) program is to foster, educate and guide youth in the areas of indoor target, 3-D and outdoor target archery as well as safe, ethical bow hunting and conservation practices. The goal of the S3DA program is to provide archery and bowhunting opportunities for young people in after-school settings as well as with archery-affiliated clubs and businesses in the community. In addition, S3DA expects to help provide a basic understanding and respect for our natural resources, environment and nature, with a special emphasis on modern wildlife conservation and regulated sport hunting.
No equipment is needed to get started. Atglen Sportsmen's club does not charge a fee for our youth archery program. A $25.00 yearly membership per youth shooter is paid to the S3DA National office. This is the only cost families will have aside from archery equipment if they choose to purchase any as they grow in the program.
For more information please reach out to our S3DA head coach, Chris Bannister.
Contact Information
Chris Bannister
Phone/Text: 763-229-2294
Email: 3D Archery