Rifle Categories
Rifles typical of this Era, 1870-1896, of American manufacture (i.e. Springfield Trapdoor, Sharps, Remington Rolling Blocks, Winchester High Walls, etc.).
Same as Standard (see above), but with scopes of any power typical of the Era, ¾” or less in diameter with external adjustments.
Other rifles of the time period (i.e. Martini, Henry). These may be of European manufacture.
Runner score of 35 – 40
Hunter score of 25 – 34
Skinner score of 15 – 24
Green Horn score of 0 – 14
A hunting or military style rifle, single shot, originally made for black powder cartridges, of original manufacture prior to 1896 and being typical of the Era – no weight limits.
Cartridges will be of the black powder Era and which were originally loaded with black powder. While black powder is recommended, smokeless powder loads are permitted as long as the velocities are kept to those which are provided by black powder.
Bullets must be Cast or Swaged Lead only! No Jacketed Bullets or Gas Checks are permitted.
Course of Fire
40 rounds as follows:
10 @ Chickens at 200 meters – 2 banks of 5 animals
10 @ Pigs at 300 meters 2 banks of 5 animals
10 @ Turkeys at 385 meters 2 banks of 5 animals
10 @ Rams at 500 meters 2 banks of 5 animals
All positions 200 – 300 – 385 – 500 meters – May be shot offhand or from crossed sticks only. Crossed sticks may be used with any shooting position including prone, kneeling, sitting, standing or from the bench, other than bench sticks. No target or metal bench rests are permitted. No rear supports such as sandbags, etc are allowed.
Time Limits
An animal which is knocked off its rest and/or toppled are the only animals which are considered a hit.
Hits = X and Misses = 0
Wounded Animals
Any target which is hit but not toppled or knocked over will be considered a “Wounded Animal”. The shooter may NOT advance to the next animal until the wounded animal is toppled.
Decision of Tie
All ties will be broken by shoot-offs at Chickens. The shoot-offs will be shot offhand at 200 meters.
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Atglen Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. - All rights reserved